In March the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) released predictions for the 2015 salmon season off the West Coast of the United States.
Northern Oregon and Washington (north of Cape Falcon)
North of Cape Falcon, Columbia River coho returns were large, as forecast, at 966,000. Columbia River Chinook returns were also large, with some runs at record levels.
The 2014 Columbia River tule Chinook forecasts are similar to 2014 at 94,900, and combined fall Chinook returns are again expected to be strong.
The hatchery coho forecasts for the Columbia River are moderately less than 2014, but still expected to be strong and over 700,000 fish. In addition, the forecast for Oregon coastal natural (OCN) coho is 206,600.
California and Southern Oregon (south of Cape Falcon)
Central Valley fall Chinook are forecast at over 652,000, providing salmon fishing opportunity while allowing estimated spawning escapements over 300,000. The minimum conservation goal is 122,000 – 180,000 spawning adult salmon.
Also in California, the ocean abundance forecast for Klamath River Fall Chinook is nearly 423,000, providing reasonable sport and commercial harvest while meeting the minimum natural spawning goal of 40,700, and the 2015 management objective of an ocean harvest rate of no more than 16 percent.
Detailed information about 2015 Pacific salmon fishing season starting dates, areas open, and catch limits are available on the PFMC website at
source: Pacific Fishery Management Council