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Freshwater Fishing News provides information about freshwater fishing in North America, including news, events, tips and techniques, fish identification, species overviews, and more.

Additional topics include recreational fishing, subsistence fisheries, science, research, conservation, environmental issues, habitat restoration, grants, photos, artwork, and regional issues.

Our online store includes fishing tackle – equipment, fish identification postersbooks, fishing hats, t shirts, and other products.


Lake of the Ozarks Fish Kill

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In early March, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) received reports of dead fish at the Lake of the Ozarks. After investigating the incident, MDC concluded it was likely a... READ MORE

2025 Idaho Steelhead Fishing

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A big spring 2025 steelhead run holds potential for anglers hoping to catch one of Idaho’s most sought after fish. The latest steelhead return is the best since 2015 with... READ MORE

Lake Murray Reef Ball Fish Habitat Project

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Biologists with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) have begun a multi-year project to improve important fish habitat in Lake Murray. In reservoirs, nearshore, shallow structure (littoral habitat)... READ MORE